Os x text editor with tabs
Os x text editor with tabs

Now in your chosen path (I used /usr/local/bin) you now enter the following command: ln -s /Applications/Sublime\ /usr/local/bin/subl If you see any errors after sourcing your file get them fixed before moving to the final step. If you do make any edits to this file once you have closed it, you need to run the command: source ~/.bash_profile The flag -w has been added and you can find out more about flags by going to the Sublime Text docs: ST4 subl, ST3 subl or ST2 subl The second line is OPTIONAL and just sets Sublime Text as the default editor. The first line sets the location where you want Terminal to look for binaries on your machine, I'm going to store my symbolic link in the /usr/local/bin directory - I guess you could store it anywhere provided you've notified Terminal where to look for binaries. These are the following lines that pertain to having subl work on the command line for Sublime Text: export PATH=/bin:/sbin:/usr/bin:/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:$PATH Now it's time to create your symbolic link in your PATH folder, BUT, before we do, let's check your profile file by using nano ~/.bash_profile. This would mean that you would have to check what you've typed (spelling, etc.) OR that Sublime Text isn't installed!

os x text editor with tabs

If nothing happens or you get an error from Terminal it will be because it couldn't find the Sublime Text application. If you DO NOT get Sublime Text opening your current working directory then the next set of steps will NOT work. at the end of the above command opens the current working directory you are located in (again make sure you're in a directory that only contains a few files!). NOTE: You may need to replace Sublime\ in the command above to Sublime\ Text\ or Sublime\ Text\ depending upon where the application is stored in your Applications directory. I used these steps to get it to work:įirst, navigate to a small folder in Terminal that you want ST to open and enter the following command: /Applications/Sublime\ You can also use "\s" to find any whitespace, which means tabs or spaces would be found.I finally got this to work on my OSX box.


For example, with the Perl code below, if the $example variable contains any tab characters, the script prints "I found a tab!" when it is run. When working with a regular expression, a tab is matched with the "\t" metacharacter or escape sequence with many programming languages. Matching a tab character in a regular expression However, make sure you convert it back to the original standard after making your changes. If you are accustomed to spaces or tabs, you can also convert one into another in many programs.

os x text editor with tabs

Our best advice is to follow the standard set by either the original programmer or the company creating the program.

os x text editor with tabs

Some programmers swear by tabs and others by spaces. In computer programming or creating a code block in a program, both tabs and spaces are valid for indentation. Generally speaking, we recommend using the Tab key to create spaces because it is quicker, less prone to errors, and makes files smaller. Should I use tabs or spaces for indenting? In other words, when you press the Tab key, it is not creating several spaces in a row.

Os x text editor with tabs